Acids and Bases video - turn on the sound.

Turn on Sound for the video above.

The economics course is a little unusual in that is also has a lot of historical content showing how the economic foundations of governments and people have changed over time. The above image shows our manikin-style characters we used for this project to mock up the storyboard. Those figures are built of individual body components that can be easily posed by our instructional designers that are not graphical designers. Then our graphical designers can use that base to flesh out period clothes. It saved a lot of time for our instructional designers who then did not have to scour stock sites and the net for conveying what they had in mind. In the final artwork, we decided to keep the details low on the figures in this course due to an unusually intense schedule that year.

Adobe Animate can publish out as standalone HTML5 Canvas interactions or can be imported into Adobe Captivate. This combination can allow the rapid e-learning tool to include additional capabilities not already built in such as s slider interaction or an NGSS standard meeting gravity and collision simulation.

Problem being solved: The animation, built in Animate CC, was in a Captivate lesson that ran about 12 minutes. The Animate lesson play bar didn't give as much control over the animation as we needed, so I coded up a range slider in Javascript so students could have fine control over the animation playback for close examine of what was happening. The addition of the spinning wheel for the thumb added a bit more fun.

Here is a sample of my voiceover skills.